Living & Housing: The need to belong
Are you nervous or friendly?
The answer matters, since your personality affects your home-buying decisions such as where to life, what type of mortgage to take and what interior design might match you.
Here you will find a collection of leading academic articles on living & housing in relation to personality.
For the sake of accessibility, we have added introductions from popular media to these articles.

Stay safe, stay home. How personality predicts pandemic behavior
Living & housing
Who we are depends on where we are and vice versa
Living & housing
The personality of architecture. Whose personality?
Living & housing
The city you love has a personality of its own
Living & housing
Resilient personality of cities could help in a recession
Living & housing
In real estate, personality makes you predictable
Living & housing
People are happiest living in a neighbourhood that matches their personality
Living & housing
ViewFor this KLA we are looking for great product personality voices to capture and amplify. Please leave us a note in case you know of any content that should be here.